Use this API to register and define custom channel parameters in the Conversation Manager which is used for chat messages. New Account API process flow: Authenticiation > Client Application > Participant > Channel > Orchestration > Account
Note: You can configure your system to use third party Channels. The API instructions provided here assume you are using eGain's application setup.
Client application must have 'app.conversation.conversationmgr.manage' scope assigned.
Register new custom channel
Bad Request
Internal server error
This is sample payload to create BYOC channel. Add base64 encoded image as value of 'icon' attribute before creating channel.
{- "type": "custom_channel",
- "icon": "<base64>",
- "displayName": "Custom Channel",
- "description": "Custom Channel",
- "active": true,
- "restrictions": {
- "inbound": {
- "maxTextLength": 140,
- "features": [
- "typing_events",
- "attachments",
- "richText"
], - "attachmentPolicy": {
- "enabled": true,
- "maxSize": 12345,
- "type": "block",
- "extensions": [
- "bat",
- "exe"
}, - "outbound": {
- "maxTextLength": 140,
- "systemMessages": true,
- "midChatAuth": true,
- "features": [
- "typing_events",
- "attachments",
- "richText"
], - "richMessageTypes": [
- "listpicker",
- "quickreply",
- "timepicker",
- "richlink"
], - "attachmentPolicy": {
- "enabled": true,
- "maxSize": 12345,
- "type": "allow",
- "extensions": [
- "jpeg",
- "txt"
}, - "l10nProperties": [
- {
- "language": "en-US",
- "properties": [
- {
- "name": "msg_hub_retain_and_retry",
- "value": "Thank you for reaching out. We will respond to you at the earliest."
}, - {
- "name": "msg_hub_off_hours",
- "value": "Thank you for your inquiry. Our service hours are 9am-5pm PST, Monday-Friday. If you are trying within the service hours and still getting this message, please try again after some time."
}, - {
- "name": "msg_hub_invalid_content_type_to_customer",
- "value": "This content type is not currently supported."
}, - {
- "name": "msg_hub_invalid_content_type_to_agent",
- "value": "This content type is not currently supported."
}, - {
- "name": "msg_hub_channel_msg_failed",
- "value": "Message could not be delivered. Please try again after some time."
}, - {
- "name": "msg_hub_blocked_file_extension",
- "value": "Attachment file type '{0}' is not allowed."
}, - {
- "name": "msg_hub_attachment_size_exceeds_limit",
- "value": "File could not be sent. It exceeded the maximum limit of {0}"
{- "id": "45a095f4-d0ee-4220-a689-22b541c58f67"