| object (link) Self link that can be used to retrieve this attachment
fileName | string (fileName) File name of the attachment
name required | string [ 1 .. 255 ] characters [a-zA-Z0-9]|@|\s|:|.|_|-|&|[\x80-\xFF] Name of file with extension.
contentType required | string (contentType) Mime-type of the attachment
size required | |
app required | string Enum: "email" "task" "calltrack" |
type required | string Enum: "attachment.inbound" "attachment.outbound" "attachment" |
signedUrlExpiry | string <date-time> Signed URL expiry time in GMT.
encodingType | string (encodingType) Content-transfer-encoding of the attachment
charset | string (charset) character-set encoding of the attachment
blocked | boolean (blocked) Field to convey if the attachment is blocked
inline | boolean (inline) Field to convey if the attachment is an inline attachment
contentId | string (contentId) Cid of the inline attachment
contentUrl | |
created | |
content | string (content) content of the attachment
messageText | string (messageText) Informational text about the attachment.
id | |
altId | string (altId) Alternate ID of the attachment