This API allows a user to perform search operations on articles and topics in scope of the portal.
Bad Request
Not Found
Not acceptable
Internal server error
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- "lastModifiedDate": "2023-07-17T05:30:17.000Z",
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- "createdDate": "2022-11-17T08:44:38.000Z",
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- "name": "primary_colors",
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}, - {
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- "id": 409600000144063
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- "name": "red",
- "id": 409600000144027
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- "id": 409600000144129
}, - {
- "name": "orange",
- "id": 409600000144131
}, - {
- "name": "green",
- "id": 409600000144130
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- "name": "purple",
- "id": 409600000144132
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