Create Contact


This section contains the required and optional elements for contact. A single contact can be created for an individual customer and multiple contacts can be created for group and corporate customers. One contact can contain multiple contact points.

Elements required in request body

Name Description
firstName First name of the contact.

Optional elements allowed in request body

Name Description
salutation Salutation of the contact.
middleName Middle name of the contact.
lastName Last name of the contact.
loginId Login ID of the contact.
gender.value Gender of the contact.
identification.type Identification type of the contact. Must be one of the values configured in application.
identification.value Identification value of the contact.
suffix.value Suffix to use for the contact.
initials Initials of the contact.
secretQuestion Secret question which should be asked to the contact if he forgets his password.
secretAnswer Secret answer to secret question asked to the contact if he forgets his password.
hasDirectMailingConsent Field to convey if direct mailing consent is given by the contact.
hasDirectCallingConsent Field to convey if direct calling consent is given by the contact.
hasHoldingDataConsent Field to convey if holding data consent is given by the contact.
jobTitle Job Title of the contact.
employmentStatus.value Employment status of the contact.
priority Priority of the contact.
dateOfBirth Date of birth of the contact.
maritalStatus.value Marital status of the contact.
type.value Contact's type (e.g. billing, legal, shipping etc.). Must be one of the values configured in application.
firstNameFurigana String to specify how the first name of the contact should be pronounced.
middleNameFurigana String to specify how the middle name of the contact should be pronounced.
lastNameFurigana String to specify how the last name of the contact should be pronounced.
startGreeting String to specify start greeting to use for the contact.
endGreeting String to specify end greeting to use for the contact.
spouseName Name of spouse of the contact.
emergencyContact Emergency Contact information of the contact.
occupation Occupation of the contact.
incomeLevel Income level of the contact.
educationLevel.value Education level of the contact.
race Race of the contact.
dependents Dependents of the contact.
smoker Field to convey if the contact is a smoker.
hobbies Hobbies of the contact.
interests Interests of the contact.
contactOrder Number specifying the order in which this contact should be contacted if there are more than one contacts for the same customer.
email Email contact points. Contact can have multiple email contact points. For required and optional elements of email contact point, refer here.
postal Postal contact points. Contact can have multiple postal contact points. For required and optional elements of postal contact point, refer here.
phone Phone contact points. Contact can have multiple phone contact points. For required and optional elements of phone contact point, refer here.
social Social contact points. Contact can have multiple social Contact points. For required and optional elements of social contact point, refer here.
web Web contact points. Contact can have multiple web Contact points. For required and optional elements of web contact point, refer here.
customAttributes Name and value of all the custom attributes configured for the Contact Object.Name must match one of the custom attributes configured in application. If the custom attribute is configured as an enumeration, the value must be one of the predefined values.
For string type of custom attribute that is not configured as an enumeration, refer list of Allowed Characters For Custom Attributes.