Initiate an obfuscate on customers identified by CSV file

Use this API to obfuscate customers asynchronously. Only one customer can be processed at any given time. As part of processing this API, all information of the customers provided in the request is obfuscated from application.


Actor Permission
User The user must have 'Edit' action on the customer resource.
For processing the entries in the bulk API request:
  • If "Customer departmentalization" setting is enabled in the application, then the customer being modified must belong to either the user's home department, or to the department where the user is a foreign user.
Client Application No additional permission is required.
SecurityoAuthUser or oAuthClient
header Parameters
Default: application/json

Content type accepted by client.

Enum: "application/json" "application/xml"
Default: application/json

Media type sent by the client.

Enum: "application/json" "application/xml" "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" "multipart/form-data" "text/plain"
Default: en-US

Language locale accepted by client (used for locale specific fields in resource representation and in error responses).

Enum: "en-US" "es-ES" "fr-FR" "it-IT" "de-DE" "nl-NL" "pt-BR" "pt-PT" "da-DK" "ru-RU" "fr-CA" "zh-CN" "ja-JP" "ko-KR" "sv-SE"
Request Body schema: application/json

The request body can be in one of the below two formats:

  1. XML / JSON representing the bulkOperation.
    • The bulkOperation must contain a file with content in base64 encoded format.
    • The file name must be "".
  2. Multipart form data.
    • This must have a single part as below:
      • The part name must be "customers".
      • The file name must be ""

Content of the uploaded file

The request body is used to upload the zip file which has the customer and/or the contact person to be obfuscated. Below are the rules for the content of the zip file.

  1. The zip file must contain a single file by name customers.csv. This file must contain all the customers and/or contact persons to be obfuscated as part of this request.
    • Header: The first line of the file is the header.
      • The header must contain the attribute used to identify the customer. The name of this attribute must be 'id'.
      • The header can optionally contain the attribute used to identify the contact person. The name of this attribute must be 'contact_person_id'.
    • Entries: All the lines in the file, except the header are entries.
      • Each entry must have the identifier(s) to be used for deleting the customer or contact person.
      • If an entry contains only one attribute, it is considered an id of the customer to be obfuscated entirely.
      • If an entry contains two attributes, the first one is considered as customer id and second one is considered as contact person id. In this case, only the contact person belonging to the given customer would be obfuscated.
      • The number of entries in the file must be less than or equal to 100.

Mandatory attributes in the csv file

Name Description
id Id of the customer to be obfuscated

Optional attributes in the csv file

Name Description
contact_person_id Id of the contact person to be obfuscated. This contact person must belong to the customer identified by first attribute.
object (file)

Zip file content to create or update bulk operation

object (status)

Status of bulk operation

object (error)

Error details of bulk operation if it is failed

object (successfulEntries)

Details of successful entries

object (failedEntries)

Details of failed entries

string (id)

Task's look up ID of the requested bulk operation

string (resource)

Resource type of the requested bulk operation


Message accepted for processing


Bad Request






Not Acceptable


Internal server error

Request samples
  • "file": {
Response samples
  • "code": "400-101",
  • "developerMessage": "Unsupported query parameter(s) supplied: '<query_parameter>'."