Get application details


This API allows users to retrieve the details about the application. This includes contact information, copyrights, trademarks, products installed and licenses consumed.

SecurityoAuthUser or oAuthClient
query Parameters

Server can be prompted to return additional attributes of resource representation using $attribute common query parameter.
Available values: all, products, licenses

Attributes 'products' and 'licenses' will be returned in server response.
All the attributes will be returned in server response.
header Parameters
Default: application/json

The content type accepted by the client.

Enum: "application/json" "application/xml"

The Language locale accepted by the client (used for locale specific fields in resource representation and in error responses).

Enum: "en-US" "es-ES" "fr-FR" "it-IT" "de-DE" "nl-NL" "pt-BR" "pt-PT" "da-DK" "ru-RU" "fr-CA" "zh-CN" "ja-JP" "ko-KR" "sv-SE"



Bad Request






Not Acceptable


Internal server error

Request samples
Response samples
  • GET core/infomgr/v3/about
  • This example demonstrates the following:
    • Retrieving the summary attributes of the application details.
  • "contact": "<p><b>eGain<sup>&reg;</sup></b><BR/><b>&copy; 1998-2021 eGain Corporation. All rights reserved.</b></p><p><b> eGain Corporation</b><BR>1252 Borregas Avenue<BR>Sunnyvale, CA 94089<BR>United States of America<BR></p><p>Web:&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='' target='NeweGainWindow'></a><BR>Phone:&nbsp;408-636-4500<BR>Fax:&nbsp;&nbsp;408-636-4400<BR>Email:&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=''></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;or&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=''></a><BR></p>",
  • "copyrights": "<p><b>eGain<sup>&reg;</sup></b><BR/><b>&copy; 1998-2021 eGain Corporation. All rights reserved.</b></p><p><b>eGain License Agreement</b><BR>Use of the software product, documentation, and services provided by eGain are governed by the applicable eGain license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Any and all other use is strictly prohibited. Note that eGain licensees may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, disclose, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, transfer or display any part, in any form, or by any means, the software product or documentation, except as expressly provided in the license agreement. To purchase cloud services, please contact eGain. <BR><BR><b>eGain Proprietary Information; Government Use</b><BR>eGain software products, documentation, services and related data and information are proprietary and confidential to eGain and its licensors. Note that any product, process or technology described in this document may be the subject of other intellectual property rights reserved by eGain and others, and those are not licensed, transferred altered or broadened hereunder. The software products, documentation, services and related data and information are provided in confidence, and all use, disclosure, copying, transfer, or storage are subject to the terms and conditions of: (1) the applicable eGain license agreement, which has been executed and which you agree to comply; and (2) the proprietary and restricted rights notices included in the documentation.<BR> eGain products, ancillary or third-party products delivered with the eGain products (\"Ancillary Programs\"), and documentation, delivered subject to the Department of Defense Federal Acquisition Regulations Supplement, are \"commercial computer software\" as set forth in DFARS 227.7202, Commercial Computer Software and Commercial Computer Software Documentation. Any use, duplication, and disclosure of the eGain products, Ancillary Programs, and documentation shall be subject to the restrictions contained in the applicable eGain license agreement. All other use, duplication, and disclosure of the eGain Products, Ancillary Programs and documentation by the US Government shall be subject to the applicable eGain license agreement and the restrictions contained in subsection (c) of FAR 52.227-19, Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights (June 1987), or FAR 52.227-14, Rights in Data - General, including Alternate III (June 1987), as applicable. The contractor/ licensor is eGain Corporation.<BR><BR><b>Third-party copyrights</b><br>A listing of third-party copyrights can be found at <a href='' target='NeweGainWindow'></a>. Third party items mentioned are the property of their respective owners.</p>",
  • "trademarks": "<p>eGain, the eGain logo, and Inference are registered trademarks of eGain. eGain Solve, eGain CallTrack, eGain Chat, eGain ClickToCall, eGain Cobrowse, eGain Guided Help, eGain Portals, eGain Widgets, eGain Knowledge, eGain Knowledge+AI, eGain Mail+AI, eGain Mobile, eGain Notify, eGain Offers, eGain SecureMessaging, eGain SelfService+AI, eGain Social, eGain Virtual Assistant, eGain Sales Advisor, eGain Virtual Financial Coach, eGain Virtual Coach, eGain Messaging Hub, eGain Knowledge Hub, eGain Customer Engagement Hub, eGain Analytics, eGain Digital Analytics, eGain Journey Analytics, eGain Knowledge Analytics, eGain Voice Analytics, eGain OpenCEH Platform, eGain Adapters, eGain Connectors, eGain Inference Engine, eGain Workflow Engine, and eGain Question Matching Engine are trademarks of eGain Corporation, and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.<br/><br/><br/>Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation in the US or other countries and are used under license. WebLogic Server is a trademark of Oracle Corporation. All other company names and associated products, designations, logos, and symbols may be registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective owners.</p>"