Core Information Manager APIs (3.0.1)

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Authentication is required. Refer below table, as authentication varies based on actor.

Actor Authentication
Global / Department User The user must be logged in to call this API.
Client Application Only authenticated client applications of type 'API' are allowed to access this API.
Customer The customer must be logged in to call this API.


  • Any license that can be assigned to a user in the application is a user license. Following user licenses are available in the product:

    • eGain Platform
    • eGain Knowledge + AI
    • eGain MailPlus
    • eGain ChatPlus
    • eGain Advisor Desktop
    • eGain CallTrackPlus
    • eGain CobrowsePlus

    Refer below table, as licenses varies based on actor.

    Actor Licenses
    Global User Any of the user licenses must be installed in the application.
    Department User The logged in user must have any of the user licenses.