Core Case Manager APIs (3.0.0)

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Authentication is required. Refer below table, as authentication varies based on actor.

Actor Authentication
Global / Department User The user must be logged in to call this API.
Client Application Only authenticated client applications of type 'API' are allowed to access this API.
Customer The customer must be logged in to call this API.


  • Any license that can be assigned to a user in the application is a user license. Following user licenses are available in the product:

    • eGain Platform
    • eGain Knowledge + AI
    • eGain MailPlus
    • eGain ChatPlus
    • eGain Advisor Desktop
    • eGain CallTrackPlus
    • eGain CobrowsePlus

    Refer below table, as licenses varies based on actor.

    Actor Licenses
    Global User Any of the user licenses must be installed in the application.
    Department User The logged in user must have any of the user licenses.
    Client Application / Customer Licenses are not required.

Activities visible to a customer

If actor is customer then following types of activities are visible to customer:

  • Email
    • All emails sent by the customer.
    • All emails sent to the customer. These emails is visible to the customer only after they have been sent out by the application.
  • Chat
    • Chat transcript is shown.
  • Calltrack
    • Activity content and attachments are not shown.
  • Social
    • All social interactions with the customer.

Supported Activity status and substatus values

Following out of the box activity status and substatus values are supported in eGain application:

Status Value Substatus Value Description
open Activities that are not in "completed" status.
in_workflow Activities picked up for processing by a workflow.
ready_for_inbound_workflow Activities ready to be processed by an inbound workflow.
ready_for_outbound_workflow Activities ready to be processed by an outbound workflow.
ready_for_general_workflow Activities ready to be processed by a general workflow.
ready_for_transfer_workflow Activities ready to be processed by a transfer workflow.
error Activities that could not be processed by a workflow and are in error state.
awaiting_assignment Activities in a queue that are awaiting assignment to user.
ready_for_assignment Activities ready for assignment.
ucce_awaiting_assignment Activities awaiting assignment by Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise.
assigned Activities assigned to a user.
new Activities that are assigned to the user but the user has not started to work on them.
in_progress Activities being worked on by the user.
in_precompletion Activities being dispatched by the system.
completed Completed activities.
done Activities completed successfully.
abandoned_chat Chat activities abandoned by a customer.

Range query parameter representation

Range query parameters allow to specify a start and end value between which the parameter value lies.
For date query parameter values, following range format is supported:[start,end]

  • "start" and "end" represent range start date and range end date respectively.

  • The range values have to be specified within square brackets.

  • The values specified in the range are inclusive.
    For example [2015-12-23T08:39:16.000Z,2015-12-28T08:39:16.000Z] will fetch all records starting from 2015-12-23T08:39:16.000Z to 2015-12-28T08:39:16.000Z date.

  • At least one of "start" or "end" must be provided.

  • If only "start" is provided, the application gets all matching records "on-or-after" start date.
    For example [2015-12-23T08:39:16.000Z,] will fetch all records on or after 2015-12-23T08:39:16.000Z date. Note that comma is required after start date.

  • If only "end" is provided, the application gets all matching records "on-or-before" end date.
    For example [,2015-12-28T08:39:16.000Z] will fetch all records on or before 2015-12-28T08:39:16.000Z date. Note that comma is required before end date.