Use this API to pick specific activities from other users and queues. Users must be logged in.
This API cannot be used to pick draft responses created for incoming email activities.
For this API to execute successfully:
- All activities must exist in the application.
- The activities must be of type Email, Social, Task, or Generic (i.e. user defined activity type). Calltrack, Chat, and Web type of activities cannot be picked using this API.
- The activities must not be assigned to the user performing this operation.
- The status of all activities in the request must be either "in queue waiting to be assigned" or "assigned to a user".
- If an activity is assigned to a different user then:
- The activity must not be locked by that user.
- If the activity is pinned by the user, the query parameter "unpin" must be sent with a value of "yes".
- No more than 75 activities must be sent in one request.
As part of completing this API request:
- User load is not considered, i.e., activities are assigned to the logged in user regardless of the user's existing work load.
All of the following are required:
- Must have 'Pick Activities' action on 'Activity' resource.
- If status of any activity is "assigned to a user" then:
- The logged in user must have "Pull activities" permission on the user to whom the activity is currently assigned.
- If the activity is pinned by a user, and the query parameter "unpin" is sent with a value of "yes":
- The logged in user must have 'Unpin' action on 'Activity' resource.
- If status of any activity is "in queue waiting to be assigned" then:
- The logged in user must have "Pull activities" permission on the activities' queue.
- All the activities must either belong to the logged in user's home department, or to a department in which the user is a foreign user.
The logged in user must have the following licenses:
- eGain Advisor Desktop or eGain MailPlus: To pick email or social activities.
- Any User License: To pull task or generic activities. Refer Licenses section for more information.